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EMC Fiberglass Double Sided Ladder


High Quality Aluminum Ladder
Made In UAE
Light Weight | Easy Handling | Comfort Use

SKU N/A Category



Model No Steps with top Closed Length MM Open Height MM Open Width MM
EFGL 04A 4 1880 1170 710
EFGL 05A 5 1585 1465 870
EFGL 06A 6 1890 1745 1015
EFGL 07A 7 2195 2045 1160
EFGL 08A 8 2500 2325 1305
EFGL 09A 9 2805 2615 1450
EFGL 10A 10 3110 2950 1595
EFGL 12A 12 3720 3470 1885
EFGL 14A 14 4330 4080 2190



10, 12, 14, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


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